Classifieds in Krishna, Andhra Pradesh
- 373 Cars
- 419 Car parts
- 317 Bicycles
- 1K Motorcycles and parts
- 192 Kids’ products & Toys
- 475 Clothes
- 88 Garden & House
- 771 Furniture
- 430 Refrigerators, ovens etc.
- 1K Computers and parts
- 349 TV games & PC games
- 153 Photo & Cameras
- 545 Audio and video
- 977 Phones
Leisure Time & Hobbies
- 1K Books
- 464 Pets and animals
- 275 Hobbies & Collectors
- 74 Watches & Jewelry
- 206 Music instruments
- 510 Sport
Rs 4,000
5 Desktop computer workstations in good condition
5 Desktop computer workstations in good condition
Rs 1,100
Caiib & jaiib book & banking and law total five
caiib & jaiib book & banking and law
total five books for 1100/-
Rs 350
Quantitative aptitude by RS Agarwal & maths for
quantitative aptitude by RS Agarwal & maths for SSC two books for giving
Rs 20,000
Black Dell Laptop Computer
Black Dell Laptop Computer 1 year 2 months full working condition now I am daily useing
1) 500 GB hard disk
Rs 12,999
Sriven BUDGET Laptops - Multi Brand -i3-i5-i7 Looks New - BenzCircle
BUDGET Laptops - Multi Brand -i3-i5-i7 Looks New Dell HP
New Condition Refurbished Laptops
Metallic body
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 210,000
Ninja 250r mint condition
Full 1st parrty insurence 2 original keys sealed tyres no complaints
Rs 1,000,014,000
Tata Motors We are looking for Diploma/Degree/ITI/PUC
Tata Motors We are looking for Diploma/Degree/ITI/PUC
We are looking for Diploma/Degree/ITI/PUC
, 10th, 12th, for mnc...
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 120,000
Dell monitors 9 (18.5), 9 N Computing Devices
Dell monitors 9 (18.5), 9 N Computing Devices with Logitech keyboard and mouse and 9 blue color high class chairs, 10...
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 2,200
Imported Fish Tank 20 ltrs capacity with
Imported Fish Tank 20 ltrs capacity with Lighting, imported aquarium soil, Fishes &Filter for sale
Rs 650
SG cricket bat carck bat strong and light weight
SG cricket bat
carck bat
strong and light weight pure wooden cricket bat
some money problems so lam selling
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 400
Physical Chemistry Part 1 Cengage Learning, 2013
Physical Chemistry Part 1
Cengage Learning, 2013 edition
K S Verma
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 10,000
Dell inspiron mini laptop for sale 1gb ram 256gb exchange with phone
dell inspiron mini laptop for sale 1gb ram 256gb ram exchange with mobile
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 4,500
Allen-Resonance-Aakash-Fiitjee-Narayana (2016-17) [IIT and Medical]
Buy the following coaching institue books for only forty five hundread rupees :
- Allen
- Career point
- Aakash
Rs 17,999
Sony xperia--x. 4g volte. 3gbram. Finger print. 6
Sony xperia--x. 4g volte. 3gbram. Finger print. 6 months used bill box all avpble. Also excuange with highend...